We wanted to let you know how our big day at Church went on July 7th. First, we want to thank Craig Walter and all the staff at Christ Community who worked on the program to allow us time in front of the congregation. Thank you all who worked on the HUB to create the section for all the Missionaries we were blessed to meet on Sunday. It was a truly humbling experience to see all the support and encouragement we were given as we told everyone what God is doing in our lives. And a BIG Thanks to all who chose to pull out their wallet and give to support all who were on Stage that day.
Here is how it went. We had the privilege of standing up there with 3 amazing young ladies (Jenn Yee, Jenna Hager and Grace Arant) who are planning to go to various places in the mission field. You can read all about them in the hub. Just go to http://cccomaha.org/hub.php
Our Family was all there. Teri and I, Alec, Marcus, Ellah, Madelyn and Isaac. We stood up in front of all four services and the kids did great. We spoke for about 30 seconds sharing what we will be doing and when we hope to go. The first 3 services the kids stood there, smiled and did a nice job. During the 3rd service, Isaac kept on asking when it was his turn to talk on the mic. He wasn’t really using his quiet voice either. I think he figure he had been quiet long enough and now he needed to speak…loudly so he could get his chance to talk on the big mic. I told him he could the next time and I was just going to have him say hi. Well, it came time and when I told Isaac it was his turn, I think he got a small case of stage fright, because he basically buried his head in my shoulder and said, "No, you go first."
You could tell they all relaxed a little as the services went on because when Craig asked if they were excited, Alec, Marcus and Ellah let out a big YEAH! Madelyn was dancing on stage during the last service and she got a little carried away.....I didn't see it but Teri said at one point she lifted up her dress while she was doing her little dance. I don't think she meant to, but she was just being a little 5 year old performing her dance debut.
Another thing I missed was Isaac picking his nose. Again, Teri saw it but I didn't. I am not sure why I miss these things, and she always sees them. Anyway…. if you know how good my wife is at telling stories, you would know that it was better hearing her tell about the whole dress incident and the picking of the nose. It may have been slightly more dramatic, but much more entertaining. We had a good laugh about it and we hope you do too.
We will be going to the Christ Community Church Bellevue site on the 14th to share with our sister Church. We are really looking forward to that, but I think Madelyn will have to wear pants and I will make sure to have plenty of klenexes for IsaacJ
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