Thursday, January 30, 2014

Our First Trip to the DR - Day 2....overdue

Well, time got away from us and we never got back to telling everyone about our 1st trip to the Dominican Republic.  Now, Matt is planning a second trip in Feb to do some prep work and we haven't even finished posting about our first trip.  So we just decided to make this video as a summary.  Please click the link below and enjoy!!


Saturday, January 18, 2014

A little breathing room

This weekend we had the chance to go to Missouri to see Matt's sister and her family.  We were at first hesitant to leave, after all we have a few things to take care of.  We started listing what we needed to do to go and how it would take some time to get everyone packed and what would we do with our puppy?  Oh, and we decided this on Wednesday and we were leaving Thursday.  But we were going, thanks to some great friends who agreed to watch our puppy and everything will be fine. 

We decided to go and just relax and give ourselves a break.  We have been going nonstop as does everyone with kids, but now we added our mission trip to the mix.  We needed a break and a chance to allow ourselves time to just step back and breathe.  We needed to look at all God has done for us up to this point.  It seems when we pray we always ask for help or for God to provide.  Well, this time we want our prayers to be that of thanksgiving. 

We have so much to thank God for as He has provided for all our needs....

Our thanksgiving prayer....  We are thankful for God meeting our everyday needs, good health, a wonderful job, beautiful home, a great working furnace.  But we are also thankful that we will get a break from winters and wearing big heavy coats  to stay warm.  We are thankful that our kids will see another place and truly be able to feel what it is like to help someone in need.  We are grateful  for our families who are so supportive and willing to help us in every way possible.  We are thankful for our new missionary friends who are so willing to find us a home and check on it frequently.  We are so blessed to have friends we can trust to rent our house while we are gone.  We are grateful for our church, who is behind us and encourages us along our journey.  We also appreciate that there are so many who are faithfully praying and giving to us financially, some that we have yet to meet.  This is not a complete list, but just the things I can think of right now.

Lastly thank you all for continuing to believe with us and support us.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Santiago Experience 2013 in Review Video

Check out this Video summarizing 2013.  It is amazing to see how God is moving in the DR.  We are so blessed to be going to work in the field there.

If you want to see more about the Mission in the DR that we will be joining in a few short months, please visit the website

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Happy New Year!

A heartfelt New Year's greeting from our family to yours!!

We hope that you had a wonderful time with your family celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and that you will have a Blessed 2014!!

As we near the departure date for our mission trip, which will be sometime in the middle of April, the reality of picking up and moving is hitting us pretty hard.  Christmas was a great time for our family as usual, but there was also a little sadness in knowing that we are moving away from friends and family for a couple years.  The lesson that I have learned over and over again rings so true, especially now....the focus of the season is Jesus and not us.  In the commercialized world we live in, that can be easy to forget. 

A few positive notes.....
Next year, we will be celebrating Christmas with new friends. 
We will be in a much warmer climate (very exciting)
Most importantly, we will be in the Mission field doing some amazing things, helping our neighbors, and making a difference in people's lives.

Update on our plans
At this point we have about 1/3 of the money we need.  Our focus these first few months of 2014 is to get the rest of the funds through individuals or families who can make a commitment to give faithfully each month.  $100,000.00 sounds like a lot of money, but it will only take 105 of these monthly commitments at an amount of $40.00/month.  At this point we need about 85 more commitments at that level, or less if people commit at a higher level. 

If after reading this, you feel a little nudge in your spirit to join us on this Mission through a financial contribution, please don't ignore it.  We just ask that you pray about it and do what you feel is right for you....and if you feel you want to help out, please email us at and we will get you the information you need to get started.

Thanks for all the prayer support that you have been giving.  We know God hears our prayers and we have seen Him working through all of this.  Please keep the prayers coming.  We will create another post with specific prayer request.  God Bless You!!