Monday, June 30, 2014


Hey guys, Marcus here. So today I’m going to be writing about something that takes place about two days ago. Well it started off like this…

It was a nice day, a day that I had actually slept in, Saturday. The sky was a brilliant blue, the sun was shining, and the chore chart was full. Yep, we had chores on the day that most people relax. Sweeping the front porch, living room, bedrooms, and back patio. Also picking up shoes, doing laundry, and the one that Alec and I dread the most: Picking the mangos up off of the roof. Most of you probably know that we have a mango tree that hangs right over our roof. So every week the two of us have to go up there and separate all the good mangos from the bad, and then put them in trash bags. Last Saturday we had seven bags of bad mangos and four bags of good mangos. And doing that probably took around an hour or two. So when we were all done with our fifty-thousand chores, two of our interns, James and Sam, came over to get their hair cut. So while we were finishing up cutting the second intern’s hair, we heard none other than the very common sound in the Perrotto’s house, a big loud CRASH!! And of course it was coming from mine and Alec’s room. We both raced upstairs only to see Isaac standing there crying. Well that’s a relief, he probably just fell off the bed or something. I took him downstairs and everything was fine… or so I thought. I could still hear running water coming from my bathroom. I went back up stairs and into the bathroom and saw our sink laying on the ground and water spraying everywhere. Alec ran downstairs and got my dad and the two interns both upstairs, my mom following. Well while everybody was getting towels, my mom just simply turned off the exposed pipe. So now Alec and I have no sink in our bathroom. Sooner or later we’ll get another one, but for now I guess we will just have to get used to the one downstairs. Isaac cut his foot a little bit on the shattered sink, but nothing too bad thankfully.

Well lesson learned I guess. Isaac should never be allowed to wash his hands on unstable sinks without a stepstool or someone else’s help.

Please keep us in your prayers and thanks for reading!

Monday, June 23, 2014

CCC makes a big impact for God's Kingdom in the DR

When 90 people from one church step out and serve in the name of Jesus, whether it is in Nebraska, the Dominican Republic or anywhere else in the world, big things will happen.  It just goes to show that by ourselves, even though we can work hard, we have little impact compared to when we work together as the Body of Christ.

That is exactly how things played out when 90 High School students and adult leaders landed in the DR on June 8th.  Throughout the week, they ministered to more than 350 children through VBS, moved tons of block and dirt, mixed 1000's of pounds of concrete and mortar, participated in baseball ministry with over 40 youth, prayed with and for in the citizens in their homes in different communities and helped teach English in the Cafe'.

It is our hope that it is not only what they did that had a major impact, but what God is doing in each one of them.  If you know one of these students, please take time to ask them about their trip and how God is working in their lives through their experience in the DR. 

Please pray for a lasting impact both for the Dominican Church and for Christ Community Church.  We know that now everyone is back home safe and sound, but the challenges didn't stop once the plane left the DR.  Many had flight issues on the way back to Omaha.  Even though things like that are frustrating, we trust that the amazing events from the week will completely overshadow any of the negative things that happened.

Here are several pictures from the week.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Big week with CCC

Hey everyone.  This week we are blessed to have a group of 90 High school students and adult leaders here from our home Church in Omaha, NE, Christ Community Church.

Please pray for safety on the work sites, for lives to be impacted for Christ and a productive work week.

We will be painting 3 churches, continuing construction on a new church, breaking ground on an addition of an existing church, multiple VBS's, Baseball ministry, Café ministry and prayer walks.

As you can see, we have our work cut out for us, so please be in pray with us this week.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

New Church

Yesterday we started digging the foundation for a new church plant in a very poor part of the San Francisco community. We are very excited to be part of this expansion of God's Kingdom. Praise be to God!

Please be in prayer for the ministry here as we have been dealing with vehicle troubles here in the DR. Over the past few days we have had 2 buses break down. Please pray for God's protection and providence of safe and reliable travel, and wisdom for our mechanics to diagnose and fix the issues.